Sunday, July 25

Microwave Chocolate Coffee Mug Cake!

Believe me, I have turned my nose to this idea over and over. Although I use the microwave at least once a day, I continually have the thought in the back of my head that this quick-fix is destroying us! Whatever your thoughts are on microwaves, I would truly love to hear, there is much controversy over them especially in the “natural, holistic world” and being somewhat apart of that world I have read much. After a recent decision to stay away from the oven as much as possible I have been face with a need for creatively cooking in ways I haven't been fronted with. I never really realized how much I use the dang oven. Temperatures are just too high, and electricity is too expensive for the amount I use my oven. One week down and I'm off to a rough second week. Last night I came back to the microwave cake recipe and decided to try it out for P's dessert. To my surprise, it turned out good! It almost seemed like a magic trick to me. Two minutes of mixing, two minutes of microwaving and wah-lah you have yourself a dessert that satisfies. Even more, top that guy with a scoop of ice-cream and your good for the night. I wouldn't condone this practice any other time than to conserve energy, call me crazy, I know I am!!

Microwave Coffee Mug Chocolate Cake!

3 tablespoons of all purpose flour
2 tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa powder
2.5-3 tablespoons of sugar
1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon
1 small egg
1/4 teaspoon of baking powder
3 tablespoons of melted butter
1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract
2.5 tablespoons of milk

1. Mix all dry ingredients in your mug
2. Mix wet ingredients in another container and then with the dry ingredients. (make sure its all mixed and no flour lumps remain!)
3. Microwave for 2-2.5 minutes.
4. Top with icecream and hope that you arent getting microwaved!! hehe

I think I may try to experiement with this recipe and see what I can do...I'm sure there is a healthier version!

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