Tuesday, May 3

April 2011

April showers bring May flowers is not turning out to be true this year. I have already experience three day of May in 2011 and if this is a pre-cursor to how all of May will be, the months must have been put in backwards when God was planning out 2011!
"leave me out of this packing buisness"
April was a trying time in our little family. We planned coming into this month that by the end of it we would be living in a new place. It is beyond me to think why we make plans. The pattern that we always ignorantly forget is; we make plans, God shows us His plan, and it always seems to be different than what we had in mind. If we aren't example of how stubborn and forgetful humans are, I don't know what is. As I look back through emails to confirm when our "home hunting" began it was mid-March when we first contacted a realtor to show us a condo. Through the end of March and ALL of April there was a consistent battle of us trying to take control and God reminding us that we aren't. He is so patient, I would have given up on us from the start! It wasn't till the last week of April (the week we planned from the beginning to move) that I think our lesson was learned. April was a month not only of trying times but also of gracious teaching by God.
So our bags and boxes are packed, just about ready to move and I can't wait. You would think after how many times we have gone through this process I would get more used to living amongst boxes for a couple of weeks but when it comes down to it, boxes make me a little sick!

can we say "addicted?"
April brought a new member to our family, and no we are not with child yet! P decided that it was a good time to finally get a SLR and we found a nice lady on craigslist that sold us her "almost new" one for a decent price! After talking about getting one for 2 years now, we finally have one. Ironically, the original intent of the camera was for my use, but in all actuality P has had that thing glued to his hand anytime he isn't studying! I have been haunted by having a camera in my face everywhere I turn! Needless to say, pictures will be better quality from here on out, and hopefully my food/recipe blogs will start back up!

Speaking of recipes, the adventures with sourdough have now begun. Having a sourdough starter is much like having another member of the family. I feed it regularly, keep it at a good temperature, and even play with it sometimes. I am happy to say that he even produced my first real "sandwich-able" bread without a bread machine! I say that because any time I have attempted to make good soft sandwich bread it has been a failure. Believe me, I live with what seems to be the connoisseur of soft sandwich bread and even he deemed this the best bread I've made!
a little bit lop-sided but oh so good!

not again!
Easter was a treat! We spent most of the weekend packing, however we did get to attend the new church we have been trying out, spent some time at the Dallas Farmers Market, got some local honey, and walked a bit around downtown. Most of our extra time has been much the same. Packing, walking around, and enjoying the spring time weather. There are so many beautiful spots here in Dallas to explore.

All in all, as I look back at the blessings God has allowed in April, my favorite is the realization of how incredibly blessed I am to have the husband I do. Some may say its a coincidence, but I don't believe in those, God's providence has shown me countless times this month the man that He is shaping in my life partner. I sit back and see God's miraculous work through the things He is chiseling, forming, and even sometimes pounding out of my husband. What a blessing it is to be able to see God's work day in and day out. P is finishing up his first year at Dallas Seminary, what a proud wife I am. I am thankful to have a true partner that sticks by me through even the smallest struggles we have experienced lately.

May already has a lot on its plate and I know it will fly by. I realized just last night that there are times when we pray for "rough times" to pass by quickly but when I stopped to think about that, those are the times that the good really happens, why do we constantly wish them away with the short life we have, it seems like we are constantly wishing our life away. I've decided to stop, enjoy the roses, and the stench...I mean, God makes roses grow in manure doesn't he?!

We are saying good bye to April and HELLO to May, looking for God's provision in a number of decisions, and loving that we are apart of His plan.
taking a walk in the park...

1 comment:

  1. As always.. You make me so proud... nice blog posting... Love it and you....


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