For the most part, June was a pretty relaxing month in our house hold. The summer is officially here, and it was marked by my first sun-kissed tan. We are loving our new place along with the peaceful pool that is so close! After such an exciting May, I almost have the temptation to skip June's blog update, all I can think is...boooring! : ) I guess I live for excitement, but being content where God has me is something I feel like God taught me a lot about in June. A book by the name of "Selah" by Nancie Carmichael was something God used to really make me reflect and focus on having times of peace and quite. That it's okay to not be doing something all the time, which my personality drives me towards. I really think that our current culture teaches us that your suppose to be "going, going, going" or you don't amount to much. When in reality that just distracts us from thinking deeply, enjoying peace, and really reflecting on the beautiful grace God gives us day in and day out. Honestly, it didn't take long before I forgot about the lesson and was caught up in being busy again. A friend was so sweet to remind me of how God has season's in our life, those season's are planned by Him, sometimes they are busy, sometimes they are slow, what we do with each season is a reflection of how much we trust God. If we are discontent with a season, we are discontent with God. It's so easy to complain about our circumstances whatever they may be, but knowing that God planned each one of our steps for a purpose really puts things in perspective. Not to mention that those plans are really for His glorification, not ours! That reminder went well with what I had previously learned. What a good friend I have! Really, what a good God I have!

The first week of June P and I were able to accompany a large group of our international students to the Dallas Aquarium. There were loads of things to see, however I must say the smell was not so great. We enjoyed our short visit and was really glad we didn't have to fork over the money for that adventure.
P has been really getting into taking pictures with our new camera, he spent sometime at our school campus and got some really good shots.
The last weekend in June we spent at relatives, it was a whirlwind weekend but we actually got to see MOST of our family in the two days we were down. My Mimi celebrated her 75th birthday, we had a Brazilian dinner with our folks, and P was able to get some homework done for his World Missions class by interviewing an international!
What a good month to start the summer. It is so quiet around work since most of the students are gone, but what a good time to relax and enjoy the quietness God has blessed us with.
P and I are saying bye to June and a big fat HELLO to July, excited about what God has orchestrated and amazed that we are apart of His plan!
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