Morocco- the name sounds fun! why not?? Only the Good Lord knows why I chose Morocco but we actually went! It only took three days into the week for me to finally question, Where is Morocco?? Definitely didn't realize that it was a part of Africa that's for sure. The cuisine is more of the Middle Eastern influence and about half of the recipes I looked up I couldn't pronounce! I played it safe and decided to stick with some more "common" looking dishes or at least common to our culture.
For the main course we had "Moroccan Chicken" (creative name I know!)Patrick actually really like this chicken, turned out pretty moist with a ton of flavor! and for the side "Zucchini Ribbons with Saffron Couscous" I guess I chose this dish because it made everything look so darn pretty. I'm a sucker for presentation!! I had to preface the meal to Patrick with "I know there is green all over your plate, please try it and move to the side if you don't like!" :) He did good at ate about half of them...
I was surprised by the different combinations of spices..and most surprised by what they call "dessert"! I know I'm pretty health conscious and don't eat many desserts but when I think of dessert I think, SUGAR, BUTTER, FAT! I must say most of the desserts I found, if i would have sat that in front of Patrick he would have said, and where is the dessert?? Needless to say I chose a more "American" dessert and please Patrick since its one of his favorites...Chocolate Chip Cookies! Boring you say, no these are not the least bit boring...the best chocolate chip cookies is what they are..truly try the recipe, you wont be disappointed!

As far as the movie...well, funny thing, I couldn't come up with a Moroccan movie! A friend and I were discussing this as I was searching for something we could watch...Aladdin came up but come to find out that's definitely not set in Morocco, oh well! We ended up watching "Jungle to Jungle". Well, let me re-phrase that. I watched maybe 10 minutes before falling asleep and P gave up on me and stopped the movie! I guess you could say Morocco took it all out of me! ha ha
I'm happy to say this weeks trip didn't stress me out TOO much! I few rare ingredients didn't stop me...the meal turned out great, all in all, here's to another adventure!
That chicken sounds yummy! I'll have to try the recipe. The film Casablanca takes place in Morocco!!!