France being the capital of loooove (or at least that's what the cliche is!) I was bound to get a "french kiss" in France on Valentines Day! What more could you ask for?
*Trip delayed due to sickness!* -blech!
I got through my trip to Asia/China on Friday but it all went downhill from there. All I wanted come Sunday was a bottle of NyQuil and peanut butter toast!
My sweet husband still surprised me with a bottle of "Sweet Pea" wine and a box of conversation hearts as he asked me to be his "sick valentine" (all said in bed with tissues stuck up our noses!). Needless to say- The France trip got postponed to this weekend! It's a good thing because during the un-ending couch sitting days of Netflix, while we were sick, I stumbled upon an awesome show- Bizarre Foods! I love it..it gives you a good glimpse into different countries/cities and this was the second jumping point of my inspiration for France. Most of the food featured was far beyond our palate, or pocket book for that matter! but it definitely put me in the mood. I was able to spend quite a bit of time researching French food on the Internet and it all reminded me of a favorite movie- Julie and Julia. I just need a pearl necklace...
Each ingredient I bought this week made me giddier than a school girl! Beef (i know weird), Leeks (my first ever!), giant onions (you'll see why soon!), and the bottle of wine I got was PERFECT!!
Our Menu:
Appetizer- French Onion Soup in a onion bowl!!

Main Course- Beef Daube Provençal
Dessert- French Macarons (yes you spell it with 1 O) :) with a Chocolate Ganache Filling
and our nice bottle of "Sweet Pea" wine (it definitely looked French to me!)
Movie- Probably my favorite of all time- French Kiss!!!

The most exciting part- if there was only one?! I accomplished, on the very first try, Macarons! After reading blogs on these adorable treats, I just knew it would take me a few times to get the hang of it...I even set out more than enough eggs (they have to come to room temp) for mess-ups. Although they didn't come out perfect- I was extremely pleased with my first batches results!! And after P's reaction to them, I will most likely be practicing these again!
France was so fun, so shhhh, if you don't tell, I may be returning here next week...there is just too much to cook and lots of movies to watch!
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